Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Catching up

I have decided I need to fill in some blanks and tell all about the going on since 4th april.
Firstly let me put it out there that apart from cleaning and shaving my pleasure area has seen no attention but last week the sexual fustration just got to much and while in the pillory being taken anally by my master I exploded and the climax was so strong I have never felt anything like it. Master left me in the pillory to recover by which time he had recovered and so I was taken from behind again but without such joy for me. Master and I have disscussed the idea of permanent chastity since this and I was not sure I liked the idea of two orgasms a year but had to admit the idea of permanently locking my vagina away was very hot. He has gone away to work on the idea so who knows.

I have also added to my bottom tattoo which now has a picture of me in the pillory with a red bum on the top of my right cheek and a whip, paddle and cane on my left.

I have worn 6" heels for so long that I discovered in June that i can no longer get my heels to touch the floor. This was a real pain at the start of july as we went to a wedding where the ceromony was at a golf course and more specifically in a bunker (aparently where they first met)

Master came home last week and said that saturday night they were having a charity headshave at the pub and my name had been put down, I am now shaved smooth and have no way of hiding my slave collar. Master says he likes the look and will keep it shaved at leased till the end of summer. On a plus note £1800 was raised for a local dog trust.

back from punishment

Hi All
I'm back been being punished lots to tell you but firstly about my punishment.
I last wrote on the 4th April and was going for some more piercings that saturday (8th) Master and I went and I got two new tongue piercings in line with my original one and two lip piercings one in the top and one in the bottom both in the middle. Hurt like hell when we got back and I lost my temper through my laptop on the floor and it smashed the screen. Master was mad and has made we wait until now for a new screen.

Anyway the piercings have healed and as suspected I don't talk much now and when I do it is with a lisp!! Also we have replaced the lip rings for two studs Master had made which slide together and a small screw goes in the side sealing my lips shut so everything goes through a straw. Master seals them every morning and except for the odd occasion opens them on his return, for an experiment they were closed for a week and apart from the problem of cleaning my teeth it was no real problem. I've lost loads of weight and Master is currently designing my new chastity belt because it soon will be to loose (he tells me it will be better than this one!!)