Friday, 10 May 2024

Time for an update

 Though it was time for an update, life moves on at an alarming rate and I can't believe how time has flown by.

My day to day life is little changed, I'm still locked in my chastity belt and chains. My slave status is now the normal, I realised the other day that during April I never once worn any clothes, other than my metal bondage and tattoos I was naked the entire month and never gave it any thought until I had to put clothes on for a trip to the piercing salon. Master has slowly added to my piercings and the latest was to stretch my septum and add a larger grommet and ring to it. He loves the look of it hanging just below my bottom lip and the fact that it gets in the way to eat, drink and then bobs around when I give head to him. He has threatened a larger diameter so it will fit through without problem but has yet to follow up on that!!

At the end of last year he called a conference (he does this periodically to check I'm happy) and this is where I am his equal and give my thoughts. This last time I requested that my free time be reduced by means of more creative ways that once I have done my daily tasks I can place myself into some despicable bondage until his return. He asked what sort of thing and I suggested a hook at maximum stretch and a whipping machine that registers movement. So now if when done with my chores I lock myself into the hook and have to stand still until he returns and chooses to release me. Have you tried standing absolutely still on 6" heels for hours on end. My arse is constantly red.

I also suggested some more degrading tattoos and piercings including the septum and more tongue piercings to futher keep me from talking. I have the most embarrassing lisp from my tongue piercings that if I have to talk in public its so humiliating but I also get turned on by it. 

Finally I suggested that he might like a bit of normal on the side but he said he had everything he needed in a woman in me, but thanked me for my offer

Life's great here hope yours is too...