Friday 13 January 2017

my new underwear!!

I knew it was coming, it was my idea, the measurements taken I even had a hand in the design. But I was still not ready to lock my sexual pleasure behind the stainless chastity belt it now is. My Master has done an incredible job with it, I shouldn't be surprised he is a master of metal work as well as me!! I am blessed with a small waist relative to my hips and this he tells me makes it easier to make the belt full proof. He has made the waist band in such a way that it is locked by the front shield part and the rear part is permanently connected to the waist band so it only requires one padlock which is tucked between my legs holding it all together.

The rear of the belt is a solid bar bent to slide between my buttocks making number 2's interesting (I don't want constipation while wearing this) The rest is neoprene lined stainless steel and he has also made a set of thigh cuffs that connect with a 100mm bar on ball joints which is connected to the padlock, this stops the padlock swaying and because its a bar not a chain like some it is quiet to. We put it on me Wednesday evening with the plan of trying it for a few hours and adjusting it and then trying some more, it was a perfect fit and with the thigh cuffs as well I had no real problem apart from the obvious metal around my delicate regions. My master went to take it off at bed time but I stopped him and we agreed I would wear it in my cage but with the key available to remove it if it was uncomfortable or hurt, 8:30 to my cage fell asleep and woke up at 6am when master opened the door. I held the key all day Thursday and master checked my body for any problems before he went to work and again when he got home. Apart from now having to bend at the knees and my shortened stride the only thing bothering me it my desire to cum!!! This morning Master checked me again and took the key, he has given me a key in a plastic pot which is sealed shut, in emergency I can break the pot and get out of the belt. However if I break it just because and can't justify my actions I have agreed as punishment I will have the words "SUBMISSIVE SLAVE" tattooed on my legs which as I can not wear trousers will be clearly visible in my skirts which range from short to Knee length. This was my idea in order to discourage me I know my husband couldn't punish me hard so I needed a punishment that would stop me just taking it off when I wanted. I did say to my husband before we started that if I get really horny I will take the punishment for the pleasure I will get from release, I wonder how long I can hold out for....

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