Last night my husband and I had a chat. We have grown distant recently and he thought we needed to catch it in the bud. Truth was and we both new it, we haven't had that level of closeness since we finished my year as a slave. We talked for hours and after a while the realisation hit me that I needed him to take charge but this time properly. Not a year, not my fantasy but an open ended agreement where he calls all the shots and I do as he comands. He wasn't happy initially and gave a compleling argument against it but after a while he agreed and terms were set, they are as follows.
Jane will not be put in danger.
Jane will follow all orders.
Jane has no rights
The last one was my decsion and I told him without that I wouldn't do it.
So this morning I'm back as a slave. Master has to dig out everything but I'm off to get my long hair cut short again and I have rung the tattooists to book a tattoo for the back of my legs this saturday. I cant wait. I think I need to loose weight before the chastity belt will fit, which is a good thing as I need time to give up pleasuring myself.
If master gets home in time the chains will go back on so all my trousers and jeans are at the charity shop and my knickers are burning in the incinerator.
Its just starting to get interesting.
It is so lovely to have you back. I am sure everybody who follows your blog appreciates the commitment you have both made to each other. I wonder if you have now taken your name off the deeds of the house as well? Take care both of you.